If you are planning to get pregnant or if you are not knowing whether you are pregnant, these 10 signs and symptoms of pregnancy will help you a lot. Keep the 10 signs of pregnancy in mind while you are trying to conceive. It can make that “two week wait” after ovulation but before your period is due much more exciting. Checking for symptoms of pregnancy can be fun and informative while you are waiting to take a pregnancy test.
If you have not been planning a pregnancy but fear you may be pregnant, knowing these signs can help determine whether or not to take a pregnancy test. See your doctor or physician if you are experiencing any of the 10 signs of pregnancy, but are not pregnant. This may be a sign of something more serious. If you are pregnant, call to schedule your prenatal visits.
While there are numerous ways to medically determine a pregnancy, many women look for signs at home before calling the doctor. Keep track of your signs to determine if you should take a pregnancy test or see your physician.

Home pregnancy test

Most rapid important and confirmatory is this first test. While all 10 signs of pregnancy are important, the most important is the final one: a positive home pregnancy test which can be easily done in the home. Home pregnancy tests are considered fairly accurate and most doctors’ offices will accept that as positive proof you are pregnant. Some, however, also will ask you to take a blood test for confirmation. If you take a home pregnancy test and it comes out positive, you should tell your partner and call your doctor to begin prenatal care.

Sore or Tender Breasts

Early pregnancy can cause sore or tender breasts. Increased blood flow and changes in tissue can cause tenderness or enlargement. Sometimes a tingly feeling is felt, or nipples may become more sensitive. Breasts some times also feels some what weighty.

Having Frequent Urination

Having to use the restroom more often is a common sign of pregnancy. Because the uterus sits lower in the pelvis in early pregnancy, it puts pressure on the bladder. Frequent urination continues throughout pregnancy because of increased fluids and loss of room in the abdomen.


Being extremely tired in early pregnancy is common in most of the women. All of the extra work a body does to prepare for a baby, along with hormonal changes, can make a body tired. Women feels much more tired faster than normal.


Feeling slightly sick during the first trimester of pregnancy may be one sign of pregnancy. While you may not actually throw up, feeling queasy for several days in a row may indicate pregnancy.

Sensitivity to Smells

If you feel like your morning cup of coffee no longer has a heavenly aroma, you may be pregnant. A woman’s olfactory senses become heightened during pregnancy.

Food Aversions or Cravings

As a counterpart to nausea, some women may experience aversions to various foods. This can include meat, eggs, sauces, sweets, and other common foods. Cravings may also appear, like preferences for bread, chocolate, and fruits.

Dizziness or fainting

Some women may experience dizziness or fainting in early pregnancy. Feeling lightheaded is due to the flow of blood to your child, thus slowing the flow of blood in your own veins. Low blood sugar or anemia may also be causes. The body thus feels more tired sooner and you will feel to rest more frequently.

Implantation Bleeding

Approximately five to 10 days after ovulation, some women experience implantation bleeding. This kind of bleeding is usually very light and spotty. It is not a period, though some women may mistake it for one.

Missed Period

A missed period is one of the best indicators for pregnancy. Because a lot of pregnancy symptoms can also be considered pre-menstrual symptoms, being between three and seven days late for a period can indicate pregnancy.